Inspect Logs In Theia Runner


  1. Prerequisite
  2. Inspect slapos-node-software.log
  3. Inspect slapos-node-instance.log
  4. Verification

This tutorial will teach you how to inspect logs of slapos-node-software and slapos-node-instance on Theia.  

The Theia runner you requested from RapidSpace panel has the parameter: Automatically Run Software/Instance. The option used to pilot automatic build and run of software and instances hosted inside Theia. When 'running', build and run is done automatically in the background. When 'stopped' build and run processes are stopped and need to be run manually. When 'disabled', the user can manage it directly in the local supervisord. 

The value for it is running by default. To inspect the logs, you will need to tail the log files.


You can follow the preview tutorial: Supply A Software And Request An Instance In Theia Runner to supply a software and request an instance on Theia then we can inspect the relevent logs. 

Inspect slapos-node-software.log

Open a new terminal and input the command line:

$ tail -f ~/srv/runner/var/log/slapos-node-software.log

You will have the dynamic logs according to the software compilation. 

Inspect slapos-node-instance.log

Open a new terminal and input the command line:

$ tail -f ~/srv/runner/var/log/slapos-node-instance.log

You will have the dynamic logs according to the software instantiate. 


You can always keep the two terminals open to inspect the logs all the time. Or you can look at the logs whenever you like by calling the tail command:

$ tail -f ~/srv/runner/var/log/slapos-node-software.log

$ tail -f ~/srv/runner/var/log/slapos-node-instance.log

Thank You

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